The Whiting belongs to the cod family and has an elongated light body that starts with a large head and ends pointed at the tail. The body is mucous, covered with tiny scales and has no spines. It lives at a depth of less than 15 m on a muddy or sedimentary bottom. It has tender white meat, so it is best to keep it on ice while fishing, especially in the warmer months.
Whiting behavior: Whitings stay at the bottom in small schools, they are very voracious fish by nature.
Hunting season: Flocks of Whitings come to the Gulf of Trieste in late autumn or early winter (Nov, Dec). They can stay here until the beginning of summer.
How we hunt them: We hunt them from an anchored boat to the bottom. The use of stiffer rods with a soft tip (bolentino) is recommended, and screw rods have also proven successful.
What kind of connection to use: The connections should be on 2 or 3 hooks.
Hooks: It is best to use hooks with a long neck (abardeen), such a hook is easier to achieve in a large mole mouth.
Bait: The most successful bait for catching Whitings is a piece of sardine with the addition of a strip of squid, such a combination will be noticed faster by the Whiting at the bottom. In case we have a larger flock under the boat, it is also possible to catch them on artificial baits (smaller silicones or sabiki system).
Brum (attraction): Because Whitings move in small flocks and follow the smell of food, it is recommended to use smashed fish and bread. The best is to put smashed sardines in a net, weigh it down and drop approx. 2m above the bottom. Sprinkle the net several times during fishing.
Baked moths: Fresh Whiting are cleaned in the sea and rolled in bread crumbs and fry in olive oil.

We heat the olive oil in a frying pan, meanwhile rolling the Whitings in bread crumbs. The fish is then placed in heated oil and baked on each side for about 2 minutes. Keep in the pan the for “one finger”. Once the Whitings are baked I remove them and salt them.👌👌👌👨🍳