MAHI MAHI – Dolphin fish
Mahi-mahi are also swimming in the SLOVENIAN SEA (September – October)
Summer evening fishing
in the summer months we take you on evening sea bream fishing (July – August)
Have you ever experienced sea fishing, cleaned and eaten your catch after fishing? If you are, you know what I’m talking about. But have your children experienced this as well?
My name is Peter and I will be your fishing guide, captain, professor of history and cook on board. I started fishing as a child and have grown up to be a passionate fisher and fishing teacher. In all these years, I have learned many different fishing techniques such as, egging (fishing for cuttlefish and squid), bollentino (bottom fishing from a boat), trolling, popping (heavy spin fishing for big predators) and fly fishing (in rivers).
My passion for fishing has also influenced my education. I graduated from the University of Humanities with a degree called “Fishing history in Northern Istria from 13th to 18th century”. That is why I love to tell my guests about fishing history in Gulf of Trieste. I like to share with anyone who joins me on my fishing trips.
The boat with which we take you to the sea is a speedboat Fortis Fisher 590 year 2019 open type with an external engine Suzuki 90 with a lot of open surface and high sides. It is a model made for all types of fishing that we perform. The boat reaches a cruising speed of around 20 knots, allowing for quick movements and lots of fishing fun.
Ribiško opremo za morski ribolov, nista samo ribiška palica ter ribiška rola ali mlinček, tukaj je tudi pomemben droben materijal, kar si vse lahko izposodite pri nas.
Glede vabe vam tudi ni skrbi z veseljem vam jo priskrbimo.
The boat is moored in the Koper city harbor, where we also meet. The closest parking is the large parking lot behind the city market.
The boat with which we take you to the sea is a speedboat Fortis Fisher 590 year 2019 open type with an external engine Suzuki 90 with a lot of open surface and high sides. It is a model made for all types of fishing that we perform. The boat reaches a cruising speed of around 20 knots, allowing for quick movements and lots of fishing fun.
Zadnje morske novice - Blog
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